
  • autism,  exercise,  milestones,  track

    J’s First Track Meet

    Athleticism is something that J has always struggled with. His brain and body just don’t communicate very well. It started with walking–J was a late walker, taking his first steps around 14 months. At first we thought that it was because J was just a conservative kid–a non risk taker. But then we saw other difficulties in his physical development. We learned he couldn’t jump with two feet off the ground when other toddlers his age found no problem with that. Learning to ride a bike was painful–oh so painful. I would plant J on a bike with training wheels and spend hours a week, pushing his thighs down, reaching…

  • exercise,  medication

    That Physical Piece

    Growing up, I remember an old man with a toque and big boxing glove mittens, jogging down the sidewalk along Riverbend Road in the dead of winter. Shirtless. Each year I’d watch him as we drove by in our warm car just shocked–and amazed, thinking that this had to be the year he caught pneumonia and died. My parents would just shake their heads in unbelief as they watched him too. But even though we thought he was crazy, we really, really admired him. We didn’t really know why he did what he did every winter, but we knew he must have some sort of iron will–some incredible motivation to do it. I…